Monday, December 14, 2015


I am getting pretty tired of this damn so-called "War on Christmas"!

If I want to say Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, or Happy Life Day it is my right. I feel the need to point out that when people say Merry Christmas no one says anything but if you say Happy Holidays to someone who even slightly resembles your stereotypical Right Winger I get yelled at where they say “NO, MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!”  Then I say Get a Life.

Just when you think it can’t get any lower then comes this recent deal with Starbucks where people are complaining that because there are no Snowflakes or Reindeer on the Red cups that it is an Attack on Christmas.  This actually gets on my nerves because are they that desperate to find an excuse to complain that they have to just complain that something isn’t Christmas Enough to appease these Bullies.

Now I am a firm believer in something that Bill Maher said last year that the best way to save Christmas is to make it something that we don’t have to endure but just enjoy.

That is why I have made the decision to give my best effort to enjoy this season.

I have my Mondo Friday the 13th Christmas sweater that I won at a Friday the 13th Screening and I have been keeping busy shooting for HauntShooter and The Video Creep among others.

Bri, Anjanette, and I have been shooting for The Krampus Sociaty as well as some videos for The Dark Hour Haunted House in Plano.

The Dark Hour is a Year-Round Haunt that opens occasionally for special Holiday Events such as the Creepy Christmas themed Wreck The Halls that I will be shooting.

Naturally with all the Krampus themed events that I have been doing I decided to keep up the theme as well as my decision to enjoy the holidays I decided to check out the new film that has been released in theatres.

So I called up Alan and we headed over to The Alamo Drafthouse to catch the flick.

Krampus is helmed by none other than Trick R Treat’s  Michael Dougherty creating yet another yearly tradition for me to enjoy Krampus takes a look at what the Christmas holiday has deteriorated to for many of us with the shopping Savages, the corporate commercialism and the ignoring of traditions.

Following a family in their holiday misery with an awkward reunion the young son frustrated with the events tears up his letter to Santa which attracts the attention of Krampus.

Soon the family finds themselves trapped in a Blizzard that has them cut off from the rest of the world with the beast outside hunting them.

Now for those of you that are unaware Krampus is the henchman of Santa Clause who punishes the naughty children and drags them to hell.

 Well Krampus is not alone as he has an assortment of Demonic Toys, Impish Gingerbread Men and Elves aiding him in the torment of his victims which adds an element of creepiness to the flick.

The cast is great ranging from Toni Collette to comedians Adam Scott and David Koechner with character actress Conchata Ferrell providing much of the comic relief for the film.

I have often stated that Horror and Comedy if properly used can go together like Peanut Butter and Chocolate and this flick is a great example with the use of comedy and the creepiness of the effects for a great 1-2 Punch.

The Effects are a combined use of Practical Effects and animation to add to its factors and I particularly like the use of one simple location to give us a claustrophobic feel and the coldness of the situation.

The movie keeps you entertained however it does fall to one of the standard pitfalls of the horror film which is when the characters do the opposite of what they should but if they do…Well there would not be too much of a Movie.

13 Dead Bodies
0 Breasts (PG-13)
9 Beasts
Creepy Gingerbread Men
Child Eating Toys
Flames of Hell
Killer Elves
Christmas Fu
Child Fu

4 Stars
Check It Out as it is a New Holiday Tradition.

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