Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Deep Blue Sea 2

There are some things that are better left alone, there are some flicks that are great Stand Alone stories…Basically that means that a sequel is unnecessary.

Deep Blue Sea is one of those films.

Released in 1999 The Rennie Harlan classic is regarded by many as “The Greatest Non-Jaws Shark Movie”. Telling the story of Genetic altered Maco Sharks and their intended victims, including then relatively unknown actors Thomas Jane, Saffron Burrows, with LL Cool J and Samual L. Jackson I’m memorable roles that are still relevant in our pop culture.

Well the folks at Warner Brothers decided that the franchise needed to continue because…well the direct to video market does not have enough flicks for your on demand watchlist.

Deep Blue Sea 2 which was released in April is a sequel in title alone and taking into consideration that the first film isn’t referenced is far more remake/reboot than anything else.

Like it’s predecessor DBS2 the plot follows a pharmaceutical company that has experimented on The brains of Sharks to find the cure to brain detonation and in the Murphy Law of a genre film leads to a group of survivors trying to escape their under the sea prison while being stalked by angry carnivorous fish.

Now there are some differences and twists. In the original flick the Sharks were macos and the threats weee their speed. In this entry the villainous breed are Bull Sharks chosen for their aggressiveness.

The other twist in this flick is that our female shark gives birth to a litter of small sharks that behave more like a school of piranha therefor no place is safe.

This sequel feels more like a pilot for a TV series version of the original film. Clearly a fraction of the budget of it’s predecessor and lacking of Star Power like Samuel L. Jackson as well as characters like Preacher, the film barely allows for any real character development and this is due to the fast paced story and the blink and you will miss the character.

The film also lacks Harlin’s direction.

The lower budget is shown is in the lack of kills. While there are some great and original kills most often the characters are either taken out off camera or are dragged under the water and blood surfaces.

All that said On the positive note the film does make for an entertaining SYFY original movie type of flick if you can avoid comparing it to the original flick and we are shown the Real Human villain of the flick to add interest to the story as well as some creepy sequences involving the Sharks peeking into windows and eavesdropping on the conversation…Where they learned English? I don’t want to know!

There is an interesting James Bond like opening credits scene and the ending reeks of the original Piranha.

All in all it’s an OK flick but not worthy of it’s title.tures

Blu-Ray Features include two Behind the scenes, Deleted Scenes and an Outtake Reel.

8 Dead Bodies
0 Breasts
5 Sharks
10 Killer Baby Sharks
1 Head Biting
2 Biting in Half
2 Severed Faces
Shoe Fu
Human Fu
Drone Fu

2 Stars

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