Thursday, December 21, 2017

Leatherface (2017)

It is no secret what The Texas Chainsaw Massacre means to me.  With the recent passing of of Tobe Hooper I admit that I have been in a Saw mood. Not to forget Lifeforce and The Funhouse. I even watched Poltergeist which I don’t care what anyone else says Tobe directed that flick!

Naturally I decided to head over to The Alamo Drafthouse to check out the line of Horror flicks that were being released for the Halloween season and being that this is Texas, naturally I enjoyed a nice Shiner Bock while viewing the recent Leatherface film.

Now I don’t think that Tobe had that much involvement in the flick but he is listed as a producer similar to Texas Chainsaw 3D in 2013 and I will talk more about Tobe in a different installment of The Video Creep.

TodayI am here to talk about the new Leatherface flick and, First off Yes I am aware that this a prequel to the original 1974 Classic.

Okay I know that there are already some of you haters out there saying WTF! Well Kiddies I am going to be one of the ones that says it was way better than that prequel to the remake that came out in 2006.

Taking place quite a few years before the original the story introduces us to the familiar family and the characters that we all know. Not to mention that we are introduced to the matriarch of The  family. Well it appears that there is a feud going on with this family and the local Lawman (Stephen Doriff) Who after the death of a loved one has the youngest of the family taken away and placed in Juvenile Hall.

Naturally there is a jailbreak and the man who will grow to become the famous Chainsaw wielding ICON embarks on a quest to his home and the protection of his family…But which one is Leatherface?

Now this interpretation contains much of the violence that comes standard in today’s Horror Film but it still keeps you interested. Now there are some interesting Twists and fun Easter Eggs for fans of the films but like it’s 2006 Counterpart you can still guess the outcome but the difference is in the twists.

I will give this flick credit for showing that the old dog still has some new tricks and they work well.

13 Dead Bodies
 2 Breasts
 6 Beasts
 Bullets to the Head
 Inmate Fu
 Cake Fu
 And yes we have Saw Fu

3 Stars
Check it out