Friday, June 24, 2011

Sweet Karma

You know I think that too many people have it in for Direct to DVD there is nothing wrong with it Granted you get a few bad flicks but I hate to break it to you but you get those in the Theatre as well.

There has always been that belief in the fact that DtD means bad but there are a lot of good ones

One of those is Sweet Karma.

Now this is a good flick made on a low budget sadly many of you judgmental people will not agree without even seeing the flick and many others are just Haters to those of you I say get a life.

Anyway this flick stars Playboy Playmate Miss November 2010 Shera Bechard as Karma a mute girl who’s sister had come to Canada in a human trafficking scheme and had been killed and she is seeking revenge by setting herself up as another trafficked girl and…Well I think that you can figure out the rest However that being said there is a Twist that you will not see coming.

All in all good flick shot on a low budget with ok acting and pretty good effects and the story kept me interested despite the fact that I felt like I had seen it before in another flick.

10 Dead Bodies

8 Breasts

1 Cat Fight

1 shot off Penis (which I am seeing a lot of in movies nowadays)

Best Death is the scene where she tricks a guy into snorting detergent

3 Stars Check it out

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