Monday, March 5, 2012

Hostel Part 3

You know I was going to rant about what has happened to the plain old bachelor party but I have found that I can’t really rant without giving away who I was talking about so in the fact that I don’t offend all of my friends who are married that their wives are still letting them speak to me, I feel that I have more to say about the flick.

Now give me an old fashioned Bachelor party in Vegas…As a matter of fact just give me any reason to go to Vegas. I admit that I go to Vegas as often as I can because it is a place that I can relax.

As big of a fan of Vegas I am I am aware of what Vegas really are. It is a big show.
It is a town that makes it’s living on the tourist trade and it gets them there by convincing them that they can do anything that they want while they are there and they will be forgiven for what they have done as soon as they leave.

Which that fact alone is why Las Vegas is the perfect setting for Hostel part III.
Now I have some things to say about Hostel.

When the first flick came out I was late to the party.

I remember a friend seeing the movie first and he told me that the eyeball scene was the freakiest thing that he had ever seen in a movie.

The truth is when I finally checked out the flick I wasn’t too freaked out but the truth is that I’ve seen some pretty intense things on the screen. That is my job folks.

The real freaky thing about Hostel is that these places actually exist. I think that people didn’t know about them until Eli Roth made the flick but I already knew about them.

The truth is that life is cheap in some places.

Now for those of you that have been living under a rock for the past couple of years you will know that Hostel is the story about a group of young college guys that are backpacking across Europe and while they are staying in Hostels in Amsterdam they learn of a place that loves Americans and the women are loose and the drinks flow freely.

Well our guys go to this place but then find out that they have been set up by a Hunting club that rich people pay them a ton of money to kill people.

I actually liked Hostel part II more than the first flick. Hostel II follows more the Elite Hunting Club than it does the victims.

Well that brings to Hostel part III.

Hostel III is different than its predecessors.

Apparently the Elite Club has branched out of Europe and they are now in the states and are luring their victims from Europe to Vegas.

The story follows Scott who is going to Vegas with his friend Carter and meeting their other duo of friends to Vegas for a Bachelor party and to a Casino that is really a giant strip club (I wish that I knew where this Casino was) after Carter throws Scott a huge bash in their warehouse The guys along with the Escorts that they have hired have found themselves in the crosshairs of the Hunting club.

This flick has an interesting twist. Not only are people paying money for the pleasure of killing people, there are people watching like they are attending a Las Vegas show. Taking it even further is the fact that are also betting on the kills while placing their bets on touch screens while being served by waitresses that are wearing the tiniest outfits that you have ever seen.

Okay I like that part actually.

Well needless to say this flick is not as bloody as the previous couple of flicks but it is also missing other parts of the series.

Since the film now takes place in the States the Isolated feeling and the not knowing who to trust is not there.

There are definitely some twists in the flick that will keep you interested in the story.

I also missed the Bubblegum Gang in this flick.

I should mention that Eli Roth was not involved in this flick. He was credited with a Based on Characters created by credit but other than that he was not involved. This flick was directed by series producer Scott Spiegel.

Fans of the Torture Porn genre I definitely recommend this flick to you. I also recommend this flick to Vegas fans as it features great use of Vegas location shots but the flick was filmed in Michigan but it had some great green screen use that makes it look like they are in Vegas.

This is definitely an entertaining flick.

11 Dead Bodies
6 Breasts plus A lot of hot waitresses showing Breasts but not nipples
1 Ass
5 Villains
1 Villainess
1 Explosion
4 Twists
1 Face “Mask”
Arrow to the groin
Choking on Bugs
Axe to the chest
Cattle prod to the mouth
Interesting use of Tire Spikes
Arms Roll
Shotgun Fu
Weed Whacker Fu

2 ½ Stars
Check it out

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