Sunday, January 12, 2014


I love the fact that there are now full channels devoted to the Horror genre. With Channels such as Fearnet and Chiller the horror fans have channels that cater to them and Variety is the spice of life as Sgt. Noorwood used to say to me often.

Now these channels have their drawbacks in their programing but they are working it out Fearnet has recently had their first original series with Holliston and Chiller is showing improvement.  Chiller is still dominated with reruns which are sometimes a good thing.

Chiller has their 13 countdowns mirroring Bravo’s top 100 countdown that they used to do during Halloween before the Real Housewives took over.

The Chiller 13 has more subject manner including Horror Hookups and Creepy kids.

Like it’s older sister station Syfy Chiller is beginning with its reality programing and has now began premiering Chiller “Original” Films.

The first of these original films was Beneath which was an interesting flick to say the least.

Helmed by inde filmmaker Larry Fessenden who draws on his inde film roots deciding to keep the focus on the film in one location and on the characters in the story Beneath is a creature feature with an emphasis on some of the darker sides of human nature.

The flick is about a small group of High School Graduates that decide to have one last party together before going their own separate ways.

While going for a swim the group encounters a giant carnivorous fish which manages to destroy the boat oars and after knocking a hole in the boat the fish stalks the group while they argue on what to do deciding to begin sacrificing each other for the good of the group. When they are resorted to this all of their past issues come to the surface and the real monsters are revealed.  

The first point that I want to make is the fact that the killer fish is one of the cheasiest creations in movie history but honestly I have seen worse in these flicks and the fish was not CGI which is a rare treat for this day and age.

Like many a good zombie flick the monster is not the main story but is in fact the conflict that the characters must overcome however due to their own issues become nothing more than fodder for the monster as well as themselves.

Now for the issues with the characters is there is rarely a likeable character in the film and the only characters that have a slight moment of redemption are the first characters to be offed however the film has a nice twist at the end that I will not reveal here.

6 Dead Bodies
0 Breasts
8 Beasts
Bleeding out
1 really smart fish
Go Pro Fu
Teenage Fu
2 ½ Stars
Check it out

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